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Friday, May 6, 2011

Animal In Manadonese Menu Part 1

Animal dishes which are uncommon to many other Indonesians or even to anyone else in the world are what I’m going to introduce here. To introduce Manadonese cuisine, I think is should start with hot and spicy because all the food of Manadonese that I’m about to introduce has lots of hot fresh chilies in it. 

Manadonese children can eat spicy foods since the age of 2. I suggest preparing diarrhea medicine for those of you who had a sensitive stomach before try one of these delicious foods. If you like spicy food then Manadonese foods is a must to try. If you like to taste unusual food then you should try one of these exotic foods. 

"a dish that you may call as bizzare might be an appreciable meal for other"
Andrew Zimmern of Bizzare Food - Discovery Travel and Living Channel.

Dog Meat

Manadonese loves dog as a pet but they also love dog meat as food. This dish called RW (short for Rintek Wuuk, or fine hair in Tontemboan language).

In Tomohon Market, about 30 km south of Manado, there’s a stall that sell this kind of dog meat for RW Cooking, in one compound of the market, one could see a butcher special for dogs and dogs are keep in cages, it was not a slaughter house but it was an open air place for slaughter dogs where dogs are slaughter in a such manner that the blood is not bleed out. The best dog meat to eat is a young male dog that has not yet copulated.

How the recipe started you can see the pictures below:

If you want to have details picture of it check this site (steps explained in Manadonese language).

Dog Meat Nutrition details :

More facts for dog meat at this site.

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