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Friday, April 22, 2011

Tinutuan or Bubur Manado

Tinutuan or bubur manado.
Manado is not only famous of beautiful girls, but also the special food that will not be disappointing who eat it. If you don’t believe, just try Manado’s porridge called Tinutuan or Bubur Manado.

Tinutuan means “assorted” , because it is made from many kinds of ingredients and vegetables. It becomes healthy food because of containing much nutrients and fibers that’s good for absorption and health. As popular dish in Manado, North Sulawesi/Celebes, tinutuan can be found in almost every restaurants and street hawkers. Manadonese serve this dish as breakfast.

Tinutuan is very easy to make, take a look at the ingredients below:

Tinutuan with tomato sambal.
250 gram long grain rice
2 ears of corn, kernels stripped from the cobs
salt to taste
5 long string beans
1/2 cup spinach leaves
1/2 cup kangkung leaves (water convolvulus)
200 gram pumpkin, cut in 2 x 2 cm pieces of 1 cm thickness
20 kemangi (Horappa basil) leaves

Tomato Sambal:
Mix finely sliced red chilies, bird’s  eye chilies, shallots and tomatoes together.  Add salt and stir until everything is well-blended.

Boil the rice together with the corn kernels and the salt in enough water to cover rice to a depth of  6 cm. After the water comes to a boil, add the long beans, cut in 5 cm lengths.  Cook until the rice is half done; add the spinach leaves, the kangkung, the pumpkin, and the basil.  Simmer tightly covered, until rice is done.  Remove. Serve with tomato sambal, tofu and fried salted fish.

Give it a try. In the meantime enjoy this song 

Video & Picture by google.

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